How 401k’s Can Attract and Retain Employees

No matter the industry, nearly all of my small business owner clients have the same challenge: a difficult labor market.  With staffing shortages now the norm, good employees are hard to find….and when you do hire them, they are in the crosshairs…

CECL Implementation: Where are you in the Process?

For many financial institutions, the effective date of adopting Accounting Standard Update (ASU) 2016-13, "Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments”, also known as Credit Expected Credit Loss (CECL) has been delayed to January…

Point to Ponder- Pot

First Pot Penalty Violations Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas are just some examples of states that are now permitting marijuana related businesses. With many states seeing new laws passed allowing for some type of marijuana or cannabis sales,…

Core Values

Core Values: What you believe to be most important in the way you live, lead, and do business. Your values support your vision of life and business, the outcomes you desire, the impact you want to have and the influence you want to create for…

OCC Updates

OCC Supervision Priorities for 2021 The OCC has released its bank supervision operating plan for the 2021 fiscal year. The OCC plans for supervision efforts to be flexible, recognizing the broad and specific impacts of the pandemic and resulting…

Accounting and Controls for Loan Accommodations

In August, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issued additional guidance to provide prudent risk management and consumer protection principles for financial institutions. Guidance should be considered while working…

SBA Borrower Assistance

In past SBA articles we have provided details on how ABS can help your institution with packaging, servicing, selling the guaranteed portion and auditing your files to ensure your guaranty is secure. We can also work with the financial institution’s…

Security Overlooked

It seems the publicity of hacks and attacks on business networks has been quiet lately. Don’t be fooled into thinking your business is safe because all has been quiet. Security is a continuous and evolving practice that businesses should have…

Supervisory Highlights on Consumer Compliance

In June 2019, the FDIC issued Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights. This publication includes a high-level overview of consumer compliance issues identified during 2018 through the FDIC’s supervision. Five of the most frequently cited…

Upcoming Changes to Regulation CC

In June 2019, the Federal Reserve Board and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection issued a final rule amending Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks.  The final rule implements a statutory requirement to adjust…